If you've read the "About Me" section on this blog or if you know me well; then you know that when I'm blessed by something, I instantly want to share it with the whole wide world. When I discover blessings, I instantly want to shout about the blessing from the mountain tops. And if you are a loved one, there's a good chance you'll hear about the new blessing on repeat for a few weeks. My husband laughs about this trait of mine, and tells me, "you're my all or nothing girl". For better or worse, I can't help it, it's my personality.
This is why I must share the blessing that is "Produced by Faith: Enjoy Real Success without Losing Your True Self"
How I Discovered The Book, God's Perfect Timing:
I spent last Friday doing Anatomy and Physiology labs nearly all day. The labs took much longer than I had expected. My plan was to go to the Library after I had completed the labs. My local library is closed on Fridays, and so I planned to go to the Downtown Chattanooga Library which is about 30 minutes away. I didn't finish my labs until 4pm. After completing the labs, I hopped on Facbeook as I headed out the door, (I find I get on Facebook more than I ever have since moving across the country away from my family and friends) and quickly scrolled through my feed and saw the following video posted by two different friends:
As the video is finishing up, I pull the piece of paper from my purse that has the list of books that I wanted to check out from the library, and I write, "Produced by Faith" by DeVon Franklin
I get to the library only to discover that it costs $50 for a library card for people who don't live within Chattanooga city limits. My reason for going to the library was to save money and not buy the seven books that I had listed.
Do you ever get a nudge to keep pressing on and you're not sure why at the time? Often times that's the Holy Spirit (at least that's been my experience). And this was also the case last Friday. So I quickly left the library and headed to a used book store that had been recommended to me. I decided that I would allow myself to purchase one book. No luck at the used book store. Next I tried the Christian book store. Only one of the seven books were there, but I felt like I could that one book at a better price elsewhere. Still determined, but even more in a hurry because I was hoping to be home before Sabbath, (for reasons Mr. Franklin so eloquently explains to Ms. Oprah in the video above) I went to a popular chain book store. All of the books were there, including Mr. Franklin's. And as it just so happened, Mr. Franklin's "Produced by Faith"
If the libraries would have worked out that day, I likely would not have brought home "Produced by Faith"
For the first time in years I have had time to read things besides textbooks, and my Bible. Because I just moved across the country, I don't have a job (despite my active searching), I'm not heavily involved in a church like I was back home(but I'm getting more involved each week), and I'm only taking one class online (which will increase at the end of this month). Most of my family and friends are across the country and so is my husband who is fighting wildland fires. So this time in my life is unique. And God has been working over time. It's amazing what He can do when a person is out of their comfort zone (can I get an "Amen")!!!
What does this have to do with "Produced by Faith"?
I'm out of my comfort zone to chase dreams and degrees. Before we moved a month ago, I became conscientious to the learning and growing I would also likely experience outside of Southern Adventist University's campus. And I could already write several posts (and likely will) about the things I've learned while being on "my own" (which we're never on our own with God in our lives).
I pick up momentum like a freight train, with each day I've been chasin' these dreams of mine, and that's why it's as if God was like "Woah, before you run yourself off the tracks, let me put this book in your life..."
"Produced by Faith"
"If I have learned anything, it's this: To get where you want to go, you first have to become the person God wants you to be.""Produced by Faith"
Mr. Franklin, a Man of the Word
"Produced by Faith"
Now go get the book! You really must read it for yourself!!!
Here is a link to: "Super Soul Sunday" Full Episode: Oprah and DeVon Franklin on Keeping the Faith in Hollywood"
I would really love to hear what y'all think about "Produced by Faith"
God is love,
PS. ***Disclaimer: Please, when considering this book, realize that it was a (huge) blessing for me at this time in my life. We are all at different points in our walk with the Lord, so it may not be a perfect fit for you like it was for me. For this reason, I humbly ask you to please pray before you purchase this book or any other book for that matter. I have no concerns or red flags about the book, but again we are all different. Thank you and may God bless you as you fulfill your purpose in Him.***
PSS. Here is a video of Mr. Franklin summarizing the book:
PSSS. :) Thank you for continuing to pray for Colton and the Bingham family. If you don't know what I'm talking about then please read this post.
It's glad to see that Mr. Franklin is having a profound affect on people. I believe God is working through him. Thanks for the post I have not read his book yet but I intend to before summer's end.
ReplyDeleteCheck out my blog post I wrote about Mr. Fraanklin and his new wife "Virtuos Woman Megan Good" at www.socialbutterfly823.blogspot.com
I really like your blog keeepi inspiring!
I agree, God is definitely working through the Franklins! Thank YOU for reading my blog, and yes I highly recommend reading the book! I read your post, my husband and I also choose to abstain from sex until we were married. And God has richly blessed!
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing and God bless you!!